Mystery of the evolution of warm-blooded mammals may finally be solved

(ORDO NEWS) -- When the first dinosaurs stood on their feet about 230 million years

First warm-blooded mammals appeared about 233 million years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of scientists has shown that warm-bloodedness probably appeared in

Lifespan of mammals has been linked to the frequency of mutations in their DNA

(ORDO NEWS) -- In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists compared the frequency of DNA mutations in

Hundreds of new species of mammals are hiding right under our noses

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study by American scientists suggests that several hundred hitherto unknown

Are hundreds of unknown species of mammals in the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- Hundreds of hitherto unidentified mammal species are 'lurking' around the world, according

Mammals eating dinosaurs for 160 million years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- On one of the dinosaur fossils, scientists have found bite marks from