Don’t like blue cheese? It’s all about your genes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Many people dislike Gorgonzola (a type of blue cheese). As it turns

Plants used the genes of bacteria and fungi to colonize land

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from China analyzed the genomes of representatives of the main groups

What you eat has the power to reprogram your Genes

(ORDO NEWS) -- People typically think of food as calories, energy, and sustenance. However, the

Like What You Smell It’s All In Your Genes

(ORDO NEWS) -- By focusing on a handful of our smell receptor types, a team

Super sensitive to B.O. Maybe blame your genes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Genes may partly determine how strongly you smell the noxious aroma of

Genes Linked to Loss of Smell in Covid-19 Found

(ORDO NEWS) -- The loss of smell and taste characteristic of the coronavirus disease may