When will you be able to upload your brain to a computer?

(ORDO NEWS) -- This has been a major sci-fi theme for years, but will we

Scientists have reconstructed the brain of an ancient Spinosaurus

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from the University of Southampton and Ohio University have reconstructed the

Brain Secrets: There is a common neural infrastructure between languages

(ORDO NEWS) -- The researchers studied how abstract concepts are represented in the brains of

Found a brain that is 319 million years older than the human

(ORDO NEWS) -- Paleontologist Matt Friedman of the University of Michigan and his colleagues accidentally

Scientists discover oldest vertebrate brain at 319 million years old

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the University of Michigan have found in the skull of

Scientists have recognized the impact of exhaust gases dangerous to the brain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Canadian neuroscientists have proven that even short-term exposure to polluted air reduces

Air pollution causes brain damage

(ORDO NEWS) -- Environmental Health: Two hours of exposure to exhaust fumes worsened cognitive function.

A computer that reads speech from the brain of a paralyzed person sets a new record

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from Stanford University managed to set another record for the operation

Scientists have found out whether it is dangerous to implant a computer in the brain?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Implanted brain sensors are now a core component of many brain-computer interfaces,

Scientists have confirmed that watching TV reduces the size of the brain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Data from a study published in Brain Imaging and Behavior showed that