Escaping black hole has been discovered, leaving behind a trail of newborn stars

(ORDO NEWS) -- The trail surrounding a distant galaxy may be a smoking tail indicating

Rare medium-mass black hole found in the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- Black holes weighing from thousands to hundreds of thousands of suns are

Escaped black hole found leaving trail of newborn stars

(ORDO NEWS) -- A trail found in the gas surrounding a distant galaxy could be

Scientists have found a black hole escaping from the galaxy

(ORDO NEWS) -- An interesting phenomenon is a fleeing black hole in outer space. At

A black hole ejected from a galaxy leaves a trail of young stars

(ORDO NEWS) -- A bright tail emanating from a distant galaxy could indicate an invisible

What will happen to a person in a black hole?

(ORDO NEWS) -- The fate of a person who fell into a black hole will

Hubble telescope captures the death of a star near a supermassive black hole

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers using the Hubble telescope tracked the last stages of the life

Do we live inside a black hole?

(ORDO NEWS) -- What if everything we know about the universe is wrong? What if