Paris Hilton praises GOP lawmakers for sponsoring bipartisan Terminate Institutional Baby Abuse Act

American media personality and businesswoman Paris Hilton gave separate shoutouts online to the Republican and

Archaeologists find 10,000-year-old baby sling

(ORDO NEWS) -- At the site of Arma Veyran in Italy, archaeologists have found the

Scientists have found a reliable way to calm a crying baby

(ORDO NEWS) -- Small children often cry, and it is sometimes difficult for inexperienced parents

Baby goat born in Turkey with two eyes on forehead

(ORDO NEWS) -- On one of the Turkish farms in the village of Gekmusa, in

First baby girl born in English family in 75 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- The 100-year-old great-grandmother of six great-grandchildren celebrated the birth of the first