Varicella zoster virus linked to Alzheimer’s disease

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experiments by researchers from the US and the UK have shown what

Key Alzheimer’s papers may have been fabricated

(ORDO NEWS) -- The leading scientific journal Science writes that a hugely influential 2006 article

Flu shot cuts Alzheimer’s risk

(ORDO NEWS) -- Recently, US scientists found that people aged 65 and older who were

New organelle discovered that could be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease

(ORDO NEWS) -- In addition to the many known organelles (components or "organs" of the

Alzheimer’s disease fries your brain

(ORDO NEWS) -- New work has shown that "protein clumps" long associated with Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s disease linked to overheating of brain cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Using temperature-sensitive fluorescent sensors, scientists measured the temperature inside the cells and

Found the cause of the development of apathy and irritability in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease

(ORDO NEWS) -- American researchers have found out why neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as apathy, mood

Prolonged sleep may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s

(ORDO NEWS) -- Prolonged sleep may be a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, according to a

Soil microbes could help fight Alzheimer’s

(ORDO NEWS) -- Japanese researchers have shown that organic compounds released by soil microorganisms affect

Prevalence of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease appears to be higher

(ORDO NEWS) -- The authors of a new meta-analysis looked at the content of beta-amyloid