Alcohol abuse after 40 years called a symptom of neurodegenerative diseases

(ORDO NEWS) -- The authors of the new study advise people who suddenly become addicted

Trying to cut back on Alcohol an expert explains what works

(ORDO NEWS) -- With everything going on over the past couple of years, many people

How to get rid of addiction to alcohol effective tactics

(ORDO NEWS) -- You may not be aware that drinking has begun to harm your

Can alcohol destroy our brain cells: truth or myth

(ORDO NEWS) -- There will be no sensations: excessive alcohol consumption harms the body and

12 geniuses who suffered from alcohol addiction

(ORDO NEWS) -- There is a popular belief that weak people become alcoholics. But there

Participation in the fighting led the reservists to abuse alcohol

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to the author of the work, his results are important for

Even one alcoholic drink a day leads to a decrease in brain size

(ORDO NEWS) -- It turns out that alcohol consumption, even in moderation, causes changes in

Moderate alcohol consumption was enough to provoke structural changes in the brain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have confirmed the link between alcohol consumption - even in small

Water of Life: alcohol as medicine through the Ages

(ORDO NEWS) -- While no one knows exactly when alcohol was first produced, it was

Why drunk people always want more alcohol

(ORDO NEWS) -- After a couple of drinks, it's easy to stop and end the

How to turn carbon dioxide into alcohol

(ORDO NEWS) -- There is a lot of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, there is

Why alcohol turns red and what to do about it

(ORDO NEWS) -- If you are one of those whose body does not cope well