Physicists noticed that the explosion of the Polynesian volcano Tonga affected the ionosphere of Kazakhstan

(ORDO NEWS) -- The eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Haapai volcano caused changes in the ionosphere at

Volcano Tongo destroyed previously unknown life forms

(ORDO NEWS) -- The explosion of the Hunga Tongo volcano, which occurred in January 2022,

Scientists discover sulfur-eating microbes at Tonga volcano eruption site

(ORDO NEWS) -- Biologists studied the microbes that settled in the place of the eruption

Lightning during the eruption of the Tonga volcano broke “all records”

(ORDO NEWS) -- The volcanic eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai in January 2022 sent shockwaves

Tonga volcano eruption sends record-breaking ash cloud more than 57 kilometers into the air

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to experts, a powerful underwater eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcano on

Scientists discover that Tonga volcano eruption caused abundant ocean blooms

(ORDO NEWS) -- The powerful eruption of the Tonga volcano caused the growth of phytoplankton

Chinese scientists detect internal ocean waves from Tonga volcano

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to a recent research article published in the journal Acta Oceanologica

Tonga Volcano blasted out pressure waves “very close to the theoretical limit”

(ORDO NEWS) -- The massive eruption from the underwater Tonga volcano in the Pacific earlier

Cause of the anomalous tsunami during the eruption of the Tonga volcano is determined

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists at Cardiff University in the UK have determined the exact mechanism

Scientists explored the Tonga volcano and were surprised by its condition

(ORDO NEWS) -- The underwater volcano Tonga, which produced a massive eruption earlier this year,

NASA discovers aftermath of Tonga volcano eruption reaching space

(ORDO NEWS) -- When the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Hapai volcano erupted on January 15, 2022, it generated atmospheric