Why did Europeans massively eat Egyptian mummies?

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the 12th century, a creepy practice appeared among Europeans: they ate

Fact of the day: mummies in ancient Egypt were not made to preserve bodies after death

(ORDO NEWS) -- This conclusion was made by researchers from the University of Manchester in

Mummies with golden tongues found in the Nile Delta

(ORDO NEWS) -- The archaeological mission of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt,

Bodies of the dead are turned into mummies in Portugal

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Portugal, which has seen natural mummification of bodies after burial, there

In the Valley of the Kings, scientists found the mummies of Nefertiti and her daughters

(ORDO NEWS) -- Perhaps Zahi Hawass found the remains of Queen Nefertiti's mummy in the

Doctors found that Indian mummies fell victims of brutal murders

(ORDO NEWS) -- The inhabitants of pre-Columbian South America, whose mummified remains are kept in

‘Virtual autopsy’ reveals two South American mummies brutally murdered

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers analyzed the mummified remains of two South American men and found

Tomography of South American mummies told archaeologists about the details of ancient murders

(ORDO NEWS) -- Despite the high frequency of violence in the prehistoric era, the circumstances

European history of mummies is truly terrifying

(ORDO NEWS) -- Why did people think that cannibalism was good for health? The answer

Hundreds of ancient mummies discovered in huge Egyptian Necropolis

(ORDO NEWS) -- On Monday, Egypt uncovered a cache of sarcophagi and bronze statuettes, including

In Egypt, archaeologists have discovered 250 whole mummies and hundreds of bronze statues

(ORDO NEWS) -- During excavations in Egypt in the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, archaeologists discovered