The real scale of the coming crisis in Europe

(ORDO NEWS) -- Some believe that the energy crisis raging in Europe will grow into

EU drought rated as ‘worst in 500 years’

(ORDO NEWS) -- Rainfall deficit bad for crop yields, European Commission warns Europe is facing

US and EU have been ruthlessly plundering natural resources for decades

(ORDO NEWS) -- Although rich countries make up only a small percentage of the world's

EU will allocate 90 million euros to victims of the war in Ukraine

(ORDO NEWS) -- The European Commission has made an announcement that 90 million euros will

EU funds arms supplies to Ukraine

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Ukrainian parliament tweeted on Monday that Europe would send 70 fighter

EU and US to remove Russian banks from the SWIFT system

US, NEW YORK (ORDO NEWS) -- European Union and the US will start to remove

“Dark day” for Europe: Russia launched an offensive against Ukraine

(ORDO NEWS) -- Russian troops have attacked a number of targets in Ukraine, according to

Starlink competitor EU plans to create its own satellite Internet provider

(ORDO NEWS) --  In mid-February, the European Commission submitted a proposal to create a new

Governance and security EU proposes new space debris tracking initiative

(ORDO NEWS) -- Tens and hundreds of thousands of objects of different shapes and sizes

Europe itself is to blame for the gas crisis

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are many reasons for the energy crisis in Europe. But the

How the treasures of Egypt ended up in Europe

(ORDO NEWS) -- How did your visit to the Valley of the Kings affect the

Extreme heat hits historic temperature records in Europe

(ORDO NEWS) -- A heatwave that has persisted for most of this week across the