Scientists discover ferns containing over 6 billion base pairs of DNA

(ORDO NEWS) -- In a new study, scientists are trying to understand how the tree

DNA analysis helped to establish family ties of ancient people buried in Britain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists using DNA analysis were able to establish the degree of relationship

DNA analysis shows that the domestication of the donkey took place 7,000 years ago in Africa

(ORDO NEWS) -- Despite changing history as beasts of burden needed to transport goods and

Scientists decipher DNA from organ storage vessels for the first time

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the University of Zurich for the first time managed to

Twins may have similar DNA, scientists have found

(ORDO NEWS) -- The shared genetic material appears to have led to similar lifestyle choices

Everest found DNA that shouldn’t be there

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Wildlife Conservation Society and scientists at the University of Appalachia have

Scientists have discovered an unknown mechanism of DNA evolution

(ORDO NEWS) -- German scientists from the Institute for Plant Breeding of the Max Planck

Created a nanoengine based on DNA origami

(ORDO NEWS) -- DNA is a multifunctional biomolecule that has unique properties and performs a

Turns out your sperm is full of DNA packed as tightly as Tetris blocks

(ORDO NEWS) -- Our DNA is tightly packed in the nucleus. Each chromosome is one

Chinese Cave Human DNA Linked to Native American Origins

(ORDO NEWS) -- Human DNA found in a cave in southern China indicates that the