Scientists will search for dark matter using cosmic quantum clocks

(ORDO NEWS) -- American scientists have proposed using space quantum clocks to detect dark matter

How to find dark matter

(ORDO NEWS) -- American scientists have proposed using space quantum clocks to detect dark matter

Inexplicable glow of the Universe was associated with dark matter

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from Johns Hopkins University have uncovered the mystery of the inexplicable

Physicists have proposed a way to find dark matter in the depths of the Sun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Ultralight dark matter can be detected inside the Sun by placing a

Study rules out primordial black holes as candidates for dark matter

(ORDO NEWS) -- Primordial black holes (PBHs) are black holes that are believed to have

To search for dark matter proposed to send an atomic clock to the Sun

(ORDO NEWS) -- The presence of dark matter should affect the energy states of ordinary

Dark matter could make the universe glow brighter

(ORDO NEWS) -- The barely noticeable radiation from interstellar space turned out to be stronger

Ground-based radars proposed to search for dark matter

(ORDO NEWS) -- Flying through the earth's atmosphere, mysterious particles of dark matter can leave

Dark matter proposed to search on the surface of the Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Physicists have modeled the behavior of hypothetical dark matter particles as they

Astrophysicists use shipwrecks to search for dark matter

(ORDO NEWS) -- To observe certain astronomical phenomena, scientists need to place their observatories deep

Does dark matter exist ? And why are scientists divided

(ORDO NEWS) -- Humanity can be called an ambitious species. We live on a small