Scientists discover exotic rock fragments in Chang’e-5 samples

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Chang'e-5 mission delivered 1.731 kg of lunar regolith to Earth 2

Scientists discover impact magnetite in lunar soil delivered by Chang’e 5

(ORDO NEWS) -- A research team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted an electron

Chang’e-5 samples show how young volcanism originated on the Moon

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study by Professor Chen Yi and colleagues at the Chinese

Chinese rover “Chang’e-5” detects signs of water on the moon

(ORDO NEWS) -- The presence of water had previously been confirmed by remote sensing, but

Takeoff module “Chang’e-5” crashed on the surface of the moon

(ORDO NEWS) -- The takeoff module of the Chinese lunar mission "Chang'e-5" was directed by