Largest cells on Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- We talk about the champions among unicellular organisms - bacteria the size

Copper can kill cells, scientists have found

(ORDO NEWS) -- Copper is an essential element in the life of bacteria and fungi,

Found a new way to improve the work of stem cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- The researchers found that the "mother" of all stem cells (the so-called

Mitochondrial lenses found in retinal cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mitochondria are organelles that produce ATP to provide energy to cells. Their

Which Came First, Viruses or Cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists still do not know what came first - viruses or cells

Bone created from stem cells using sound waves

(ORDO NEWS) -- In a new study, Australian scientists have found a relatively simple way

Finds mechanism of control of cells responsible for the regeneration of human tissues

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of scientists has discovered a mechanism that allows stem

Biologists have figured out how stem cells turn into other types of cells at the molecular level

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international group of scientists, with the participation of biologists from the