Someday we will become one Scientists connected the brains of three people

(ORDO NEWS) -- Neuroscientists have successfully connected the brains of three people. During the experiment,

Our brains react more strongly to insults than to compliments

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists used electroencephalography to compare how the human brain reacts to insults,

Why people are smarter than animals scientists compared the brains of humans and primates

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have found an explanation for why human cognitive abilities are better

How prolonged exposure to weightlessness affected the brains of astronauts

(ORDO NEWS) -- Immersed in weightlessness for months, our bodies adapt to it in such

Why did humans develop brains so quickly, while other animals did not

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are differences between the brains of humans and monkeys. For example,

How optical illusions manage to trick our Brains

(ORDO NEWS) -- Optical illusions, in short, are direct evidence that our brain is damn

Abnormalities found in the brains of those who recovered from COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- They were found in almost 80% of the examined. This was reported

Is it true that our brains work worse in winter

(ORDO NEWS) -- Have you ever noticed that in winter it is not always good

Landmark Poverty Experiment Shows Extra Money Changes Babies’ Brains

(ORDO NEWS) -- Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains

Anti-Poverty Experiment Shows Extra Money Changes Babies’ Brains

(ORDO NEWS) -- Putting money into the hands of mothers can help shape their children's