Scientists have found the first evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Observations of supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies point to

Mathematician Roy Kerr predicted space travel through black holes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Back in 1963, even before the official confirmation of the existence of

Why haven’t black holes “eaten up” the entire universe yet?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Notorious for being "gluttonous", black holes periodically merge with each other to

Aliens can create small black holes to store quantum information

(ORDO NEWS) -- The research team suggests that highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are capable of

Scientists believe that aliens can use black holes as quantum computers

(ORDO NEWS) -- A group of researchers suggested that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations could use black

Black holes are the source of dark energy, scientists say

(ORDO NEWS) -- A surprising discovery from comparing the sizes of modern and ancient black

Radical theory suggests black holes are the source of mysterious dark energy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Black holes could explain the mysterious form of energy that astronomers believe

Astronomers have named the reason for the twinkling of black holes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers at the Australian National University announced that they have completed a

Astronomers have studied over 5,000 black holes to find out why they twinkle

(ORDO NEWS) -- Black holes are very strange, even by astronomers' standards. Their mass is

Astronomers have figured out why the neighborhoods of black holes flicker

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are many mysteries in black holes, and now astronomers have managed