World before Man: why are we sure that our civilization arose before the rest

(ORDO NEWS) -- Can people be sure that they are the first civilization in the

Collapse of an Atlantic Ocean current would ripple across the World

(ORDO NEWS) -- Climate change is slowing down the conveyor belt of ocean currents that

World is facing an unprecedented threat

(ORDO NEWS) -- Canadian atmospheric scientist and director of the Center for Climate Science at

World will face unprecedented threats due to climate change

(ORDO NEWS) -- Canadian atmospheric scientist and director of the Center for Climate Science at

Named the possible cause of the outbreak of mysterious hepatitis in the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experts conducted two new studies that confirmed that hepatitis, unknown to science,

Scientists have found what kills the largest fish in the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- More than 80 percent of international trade is carried out by sea.

Scientists have discovered the most extreme heat waves ever recorded in the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- The study, led by the University of Bristol, also shows that heatwaves

This is how young children actually see the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- If you think that immediately after birth, the child sees everything the

An accidental discovery can change the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- From time to time, revolutionary technologies seem to spontaneously appear out of

10 smallest countries in the world that few people know about

(ORDO NEWS) -- True, this is something to compare with: the Vatican and Monaco combined

Luxurious drone view of the highest waterfall in the world

(ORDO NEWS) -- Drones are increasingly infiltrating our lives, and one thing is for sure: