Identified 27 self-sustaining factors accelerating global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of researchers has identified 27 self-sustaining climate processes that

Cacti have started to grow in the Alps. This is due to global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the Swiss Alps, prickly pear cacti have been observed, which usually

Elephant conservation could help fight global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- In order to save our planet, people need to take better care

Global warming is prompting deadly fungi to invade our bodies

(ORDO NEWS) -- Historically, our body's best defense against fungi has been our body temperature.

Biologists have found a link between the extinction of elephants and global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- Like other large herbivores, forest elephants play a key role in shaping

Global warming has reached the coldest central regions of Greenland

(ORDO NEWS) -- European climatologists have found that temperatures in the central regions of Greenland

Mutant shells suggest what threatens ocean acidification and how it affects global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- The growing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere not only contributes

Atmospheric dust hid the true extent of global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- The analysis showed that sand and soil particles from storms in arid

Established a link between global warming, soil microbes and leaf fall

(ORDO NEWS) -- Climate change can affect many processes in the Earth's biosphere, including the

Global warming has led to changes in the world’s water cycle

(ORDO NEWS) -- Global warming in 2022 led to changes in the world hydrological cycle