In Norway, comparing glaciers today and in photographs a hundred years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- A Norwegian photographer compared the state of the glacier thanks to photographs

Carbon dioxide glaciers move at the South Pole of Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- Carbon dioxide glaciers are moving today, creating kilometers-thick deposits in the south

18,000 years ago, the Zeeland Switch destroyed the Earth’s glaciers

(ORDO NEWS) -- Earlier this month, we completed our last annual snowline survey over New

Scientists have figured out why Patagonia is rising as the glaciers melt

(ORDO NEWS) -- American scientists conducted a detailed seismic study of the bowels of the

It turned out that the glaciers of Greenland are melting from the bottom up

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the past seven years, a team from the University of Cambridge

Recorded unprecedented melting of glaciers in Antarctica

(ORDO NEWS) -- In West Antarctica, a high rate of glacier retreat due to melting

Robotic sub will explore underside of Greenland’s glaciers in a first

(ORDO NEWS) -- An upcoming robotic dive to the underside of Greenland's glaciers may reveal

Glaciers and Earth’s ‘Great Disparity’ explored in new study

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study provides additional evidence that rocks representing a billion years

Study Links Glaciers To Earth’s ‘Great Unconformity’

(ORDO NEWS) -- New research provides further evidence that rocks representing up to a billion