Scientists discover how horseshoe crabs see through their shells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Horseshoe crabs are real living fossils that have changed little over the

Scientists have named the cause of the mass death of crabs in Alaska

(ORDO NEWS) -- The sharp decline in the population of snow crabs (also known as

Transparent helmet protects click crabs from their own impacts

(ORDO NEWS) -- By snapping their combat claws, some crustaceans strike the enemy with a

In the Mesozoic, crabs were active predators and had excellent eyesight.

(ORDO NEWS) -- Paleontologists have studied in detail the fossilized remains of the Callichimaera perplexa

Crab robot was sent to study living relatives, but they exposed it and began to disassemble

(ORDO NEWS) -- An artificial intelligence spy was supposed to study the migration of crustaceans,