Archaeologists have found that the Vikings brought Scandinavian dogs and horses to Britain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the University of Durham and the Free University of Brussels

Paleogeneticists reveal genetic traces of the first raids of the Scandinavian Vikings

(ORDO NEWS) -- European and Chinese paleogeneticists have found that the genomes of the ancient

Vikings were accused of exterminating the Baltic herring

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Scandinavians of the end of the 1st millennium are usually represented

Vikings made beads from Roman mosaics

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from Aarhus University and the City Museum of Ribe, Denmark have

Scientists have found out what the Vikings wove their baubles

(ORDO NEWS) -- The warriors of Northern Europe adorned themselves with beads, the glass for

Excavations shed light on the rich history of the Vikings in Britain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Kat Jarman led me through a dense forest called Heath Wood. We

Vikings of Greenland may have disappeared because they ran out of water

(ORDO NEWS) -- For more than 450 years, Norse settlers from Scandinavia have lived -

Why the Vikings refused to live in Greenland

(ORDO NEWS) -- For years, researchers have tried to understand why the Vikings abandoned one

Vikings left Greenland due to drought

(ORDO NEWS) -- It was previously believed that European settlements on the island ceased to

Vikings’ ‘blood eagle’ torture was horrific — and may have actually happened

(ORDO NEWS) -- A brutal, ritualized method of torture and execution that was allegedly practiced

terrible death of the English king, who refused the Vikings

(ORDO NEWS) -- Edmund ruled the kingdom of East Anglia in the second half of