Several Alzheimer’s vaccines enter clinical trials amid breakthrough remedies’ success

Breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatments that remove toxic proteins from the brain have revived interest in vaccines

HIV vaccine enters phase 1 trials: Promising results expected by 2024

(ORDO NEWS) -- An important development in the fight against HIV infection is that phase

COVID-19 vaccines and stroke risk: New study finds alarming findings

(ORDO NEWS) -- As the world continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccines have become

Mirror particles of gold increased the effectiveness of vaccines by 25%

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international group of scientists was able to increase the effectiveness of

Scientists have discovered a side effect of coronavirus vaccines affecting the heart

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists at the National University Hospital of Singapore analyzed data from 395

Scientists have proven that vaccines protect against long-term covid

(ORDO NEWS) -- The vaccines appear to significantly reduce the risk of longcovid, UK health

New method could allow vaccines to be stored for months without refrigeration

(ORDO NEWS) -- The study showed that the method developed by Australian scientists preserves the

Brain shortcuts may be partially to blame for vaccine and mask non-compliance

(ORDO NEWS) -- If close friends and family members who contracted COVID-19 had mild cases

What Would Happen if Rich Countries Gave Away Half Their COVID-19 Vaccines

(ORDO NEWS) -- New research gives a stark warning to richer nations that have been

The vaccine, which is vaccinated in more than 50 countries, was useless against “omicron”

(ORDO NEWS) -- Many people around the world have been vaccinated with the Chinese-made CoronaVac