Previously unknown class of supernovae discovered

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers has found that the recently discovered supernova

Presentation on the topic “New and supernovae”

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are two terms in astronomy that are used to describe powerful

Astronomers used a machine learning algorithm to classify 1,000 supernovae

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology have used a machine learning

Supernovae can not only slow down star formation, but also stop it

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered that too many supernovae can not only slow down

Type 1a supernovae

(ORDO NEWS) -- Let's say you have a binary star system, which is quite common.

Supernovae of the second type

(ORDO NEWS) -- When stars like our sun die, they turn inside out in a

We can find gravitational lensing-enhanced supernovae, we just have to look

(ORDO NEWS) -- Gravitational lensing makes it possible to observe supernovae and other transients much

Superfast white dwarfs provide clues to understanding supernovae

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the Innovation Research Cluster of the RIKEN Research Institute, Japan,

Origin of supernovae of type Ia increased luminosity

(ORDO NEWS) -- In a new study led by a team led by Dr. Chu

Astronomers have confirmed the connection of the Local Bubble with supernovae

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Earth and the Sun are inside a huge "bubble" of rarefied

Supernovae and life on Earth turned out to be closely related

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have discovered a surprising link between the number of supernovae exploding