Scientists named the daily rate of sugar consumption

(ORDO NEWS) -- Everyone knows that excessive consumption of sugar is harmful to health. But

Sugar consumption leads to obesity, destroying the normal intestinal microflora

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experiments on mice have shown that a diet high in sugar dramatically

Anxiety and sugar why you should cut down on sweets

(ORDO NEWS) -- The presence of a large amount of sweet in the human diet

Five types of pain that indicate that your sugar remains high for a long time

(ORDO NEWS) -- Type 2 diabetes usually has no significant symptoms until blood sugar levels

Mountains of sugar are hidden in the ocean, and we just now found out about it

(ORDO NEWS) -- Hidden beneath the waves, the ocean holds huge reserves of sugar we

Where the sea is sweet: sea meadows form huge reserves of sugar at the bottom

(ORDO NEWS) -- Unlike algae, sea grasses are flowering plants that have mastered the seas

Ecologists have discovered more than a million tons of sugar in the sea soil

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of ecologists from the Institute of Marine Microbiology studied the

Excessive sugar consumption causes the immune system to attack its own body

(ORDO NEWS) -- People who consume excess sugar and other carbohydrates over a long period

Eco-friendly plastic made from sugar

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists are still searching for sustainable alternatives to plastic and are looking

Experts talk about the consequences of giving up sugar

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is unlikely that a person will be able to completely abandon

TSU found out how best to “burn” sugar in type 2 diabetes

(ORDO NEWS) -- For this, a large-scale four-month experiment was organized on 240 mice, the

Why children should not eat sugar-rich foods until they are 2 years old

(ORDO NEWS) -- A researcher from the Graduate School of Public Health at the University