Monster with 20 arms discovered in Antarctica

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have traveled the ocean surrounding Antarctica in search of "mysterious and

Oceanologists have predicted a quick stop in the mixing of the Southern Ocean

(ORDO NEWS) -- The current of the West Winds, or the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, is

Southern Ocean turned out to be the main absorber of excess heat on the planet

(ORDO NEWS) -- Australian scientists have created a global ocean circulation model to estimate the

Iron content in forest fire smoke is a plus for the carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean

(ORDO NEWS) -- As smoke from the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires spread across the Southern Ocean,

Most accurate map of the bottom of the Southern Ocean has appeared

(ORDO NEWS) -- The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO, International Bathymetric Chart