Ruins of unknown Roman city found in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Egypt, the archaeological mission of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities,

Previously unknown Roman city found in Spain

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the region of Aragon (Spain), excavations were carried out by archaeologists

Unknown Roman city found in northern Spain

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the Spanish Autonomous Community of Aragon, near the city of Artieda,

Unknown Roman city unearthed at the foot of the Alps

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experts from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) have

How the ship of the Roman city of Viminacium was found in a coal mine

(ORDO NEWS) -- In February 2020, archaeologists were able to pull the front of a

Previously unknown Roman city discovered in Britain

(ORDO NEWS) -- This was done during excavations in the construction area of ​​the railway