Biologists have noticed that the cries of orangutans are more like human than chimpanzees

(ORDO NEWS) -- Orangutans are more likely to make consonant-like sounds than other great ape

Orangutan communication sheds light on the origin of human speech

(ORDO NEWS) -- To understand how human language arose and developed, scientists have been observing

Orangutans use slang to show off their coolness

(ORDO NEWS) -- Studies conducted among wild monkey communities in Borneo and Sumatra have shown

Vocabulary of orangutans changes during communication with other orangutans

(ORDO NEWS) -- It turns out that not only people change vocabulary depending on the

Social environment of orangutans determined their language

(ORDO NEWS) -- The discovery by an international team of researchers could shed light on

Orangutans were able to make cutting stone tools

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from Germany and Spain have concluded that untrained orangutans can perform