Mysterious massive object rushed past the Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Using the Goldstone solar system radar antenna, astronomers "observed" how a massive

Belgian found a mysterious metal object

(ORDO NEWS) -- A Belgian found an ancient Roman dodecahedron using a metal detector. These

Blind zone: What kind of huge object was found behind our Galaxy

(ORDO NEWS) -- The least explored is that region of space, which is closed from

Astronomers are baffled by a strange object that could represent a new class of stars

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered the mysterious neutron star HESS J1731-347, which is much

In space found violating the laws of physics object

(ORDO NEWS) -- Initial data showed that the find was moving at a speed that

A mysterious object attached to the Ingenuity marsolete

(ORDO NEWS) -- The flying machine Ingenuity attracted the attention of scientists. Watching a video

An unknown object was seen during the flight of the Martian helicopter Ingenuity

(ORDO NEWS) -- A small fragment of an unidentified object (foreign object debris, FOD) was

Revealed the nature of the mysterious object in the constellation Ophiuchus

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers at Queen's University in Kingston (Canada) found out the nature of

An unusual object captured the rover on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- In recent years, various researchers and theorists have discovered many mysterious objects

An unknown wandering object found in the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- At a distance of several thousand light-years from Earth, scientists have discovered

A strange spiral object spotted in the center of the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory using the ALMA telescope was

Extremely rare space object found in the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- On June 7, 2022, astronomers discovered a unique space object that had