Legendary mythical monsters that turned out to be real – Giant squid

(ORDO NEWS) -- Another example of the famous "mythical monsters" that turned out to be

Legendary mythical monsters that turned out to be real – Gorilla

(ORDO NEWS) -- Science considered the common gorilla a fiction and a "myth" until 1847.

Legendary mythical monsters that turned out to be real – Okapi

(ORDO NEWS) -- The okapi is an African mammal resembling a cross between a zebra

Legendary mythical monsters that turned out to be real – Platypus

(ORDO NEWS) -- The platypus is a strange animal that seems to break many rules.

Legendary mythical monsters that turned out to be real – Komodo dragon

(ORDO NEWS) -- Prior to 1910, any scientist who claimed to believe in the existence