Benefits and harms of cow’s milk: research results

(ORDO NEWS) -- Cow's milk is an important component of a balanced diet and contains

19th century doctors used milk for blood transfusions

(ORDO NEWS) -- Today, few people realize that milk can be used in many medical

Adding milk to coffee makes it healthier

(ORDO NEWS) --  A small amount of milk can enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of coffee.

Packaging of milk affects its taste, scientists say

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study shows that packaging affects taste - cartons do not

Drinking milk increased the size of the human body

(ORDO NEWS) -- The beginning of the mass consumption of raw milk, caused by the

Synthetic milk is on the way and it could revolutionize the dairy industry

(ORDO NEWS) -- The global dairy industry is changing. Among these changes is competition from

Ancient people began to drink milk not for lactose

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study has shown that the human ability to digest milk

Milk can cause symptoms of multiple sclerosis

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have found that a specific protein in cow's milk can activate

Maternal cells found in human milk

(ORDO NEWS) -- Biologists have found that human milk contains viable maternal cells that can

Scientists: breast milk of women with covid is safe

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of doctors from the United States analyzed the breast milk

Life of the rich in antiquity: donkey milk bath and snail shell scrub

(ORDO NEWS) -- Donkey milk and ground snail shells were the best-selling lotions in ancient