Biologists have figured out how some microorganisms survive in boiling acid

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have figured out how some archaea survive in acidic hot springs.

Scientists have figured out how microorganisms survive in boiling acid

(ORDO NEWS) -- The sulfur springs of Yellowstone Park in North America look completely uninhabitable,

Scientists study which microorganisms could survive on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of scientists led by the Technical University of Berlin (TU

Microorganisms can be found in the cloud layer of Venus

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of scientists suggested and proved in the laboratory that microorganisms

Microorganisms withstood extremely high temperatures due to accelerated metabolism

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2016, during the expedition "370" in the Nankai Trench, microorganisms were

Microorganisms-tardigrades will become the first interstellar travelers of planet Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists are now thinking about what living organisms from Earth could be