Science-climate shock: Unexpected cooling effect of methane revealed

(ORDO NEWS) -- UC Riverside researchers found that methane not only traps heat in the

Methane spike recorded in 2020 despite global lockdown

(ORDO NEWS) --  Methane spike recorded in 2020 despite global lockdown, scientists baffled by biggest

Chinese scientists estimate climate impact of methane leak after Nord Stream damage

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of

Methane-boiling lakes appear in Alaska

(ORDO NEWS) -- Over the past 50 years, several new thermokarst lakes have formed in

Methane’s greenhouse effect is four times stronger than previously thought

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to scientists, forest fires change the chemical composition of the atmosphere,

Fjords emit more methane than all regions of the world’s oceans

(ORDO NEWS) -- Climatologists have found that fjords emit a lot of methane into the

What will happen to our planet if methane deposits are discovered in the Arctic depths

(ORDO NEWS) -- At the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, under the thickness of the

These microbes inhale methane and turn it into electricity in a strange living battery

(ORDO NEWS) -- When it comes to greenhouse gases, methane is a silent villain that

Scientists use bacteria to turn methane into electricity

(ORDO NEWS) -- For solving the climate problems of the planet, it is likely that

In 2021, the world recorded record emissions of methane into the atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- About a third of the total methane emissions came from the extraction

Algae continue to release methane even after death

(ORDO NEWS) -- Seaweeds emit huge amounts of methane, which appears after the processing of