Hubble discovers spiral ‘stars’ in the small Magellanic Cloud

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered young stars that are spiraling into the center of

ALMA studies newborn stars in the small Magellanic cloud

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers at Osaka University (OMU) observed newborn stars in the Small Magellanic

Pulsar with high circular polarization and variability discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers announces the discovery of a new pulsar

Astronomers have determined the exact position of the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers for the first time tracked the movement

Simple about the complex: the Small Magellanic Cloud

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a small irregularly shaped dwarf galaxy,