During the construction of Machu Picchu was subjected to strong earthquakes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Evidence includes significant damage to the masonry and a sudden change in

Machu Picchu has been misnamed for over 100 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- American researchers have come to the conclusion that the abandoned Inca city

Looks like we’ve been misnaming Machu Picchu for a century now

(ORDO NEWS) -- One of the world's most famous archaeological sites may have been named

Archaeologists reveal new secrets of the ancient city of Machu Picchu

(ORDO NEWS) -- Tucked away in the Andes, at an altitude of 2,430 meters above

Secrets of Machu Picchu

(ORDO NEWS) -- Hidden in the Andes, at an altitude of 2430 meters above sea

The real date of the construction of Machu Picchu has been established

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, which is located in southern Peru,