Puerto Rico gravity anomaly: What’s happening here?

(ORDO NEWS) -- On the border of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is

Probably gravity does not allow aliens to fly to Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Why have we still not had a single contact with representatives of

Does gravity make you age more slowly?

(ORDO NEWS) -- If you're at sea level, or you age more slowly or faster

Gravity blamed for irritable bowel syndrome

(ORDO NEWS) -- Irritable bowel syndrome is associated either with a violation of its innervation,

Potential gravity anomalies discovered in five star clusters

(ORDO NEWS) -- European, Iranian and Chinese astronomers have discovered that the spatial structure of

Gravity still shapes the surface of the earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Like all planets, the Earth is a product of gravity. The gradually

Gravity continues to shape our planet, scientists find

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have figured out how gravity shapes the Earth from within, giving

Ringed : how gravity gives astronomers a powerful lens to study the Universe

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 1919, astronomers Arthur Eddington and Andrew Crommelin photographed a total solar

Scientists discover what helps plants ‘feel’ gravity

(ORDO NEWS) -- All plants are able to navigate in a certain way in the

Gravity in the universe has not changed

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have tried to study dark energy in the universe by testing