Physicist claims that electrons rotate in quantum physics. That’s why

(ORDO NEWS) -- "Rotation" is the fundamental quality of elementary particles such as the electron,

Liquid lithium rid the ions in the beam of extra electrons

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new method for separating electrons made it possible to increase the

After years of searching, physicists have discovered that electrons are trapped in fluid-like whirlpools

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the first time, physicists have witnessed an incredibly exciting phenomenon: electrons

After years of searching, physicists watch electrons flow into fluid-like whirlpools

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the first time, physicists have witnessed an incredibly exciting phenomenon: electrons

Physicists have created a strange Wigner crystal consisting entirely of electrons

(ORDO NEWS) -- The unequivocal discovery of the Wigner crystal was based on a new