Scientists have found that the physics of walking of many creatures is simpler than thought

(ORDO NEWS) -- The walking physics of multi-legged animals and robots is simpler than previously

Eyewitnesses around the world report seeing creatures from urban legends

(ORDO NEWS) -- Any folklore, although it refers, for the most part, to the realm

Experts baffled by mysterious creatures found on North Carolina beach

(ORDO NEWS) -- A pair of strange sea creatures washed ashore in North Carolina have

Many different creatures discovered deep under the Antarctic ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have discovered a hidden ecosystem deep beneath the ice of the

Mysterious creature found on the coast of Australia

(ORDO NEWS) -- The strange swollen mass looks more like a mythical creature from the

12 rare and unusual creatures that live underwater

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists say they know more about the cosmos than about the ocean.

60 percent of deep sea creatures are unknown to science

(ORDO NEWS) -- Large-scale sequencing of eukaryotic DNA collected from deep ocean sediments has shown