Analysis showed that 84% of coral reefs suffer from oxygen starvation

(ORDO NEWS) -- About 84% of coral reefs suffer from lack of oxygen. Corals are

Scientists have figured out how to save coral reefs with transplants

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have tried to save a dying coral reef by replanting it

Global warming and coral reefs renaissance instead of death

(ORDO NEWS) -- New work in Nature shows that since the appearance of modern corals

Coral reefs make a hidden sound underwater that could help us save them

(ORDO NEWS) -- Healthy coral reefs are associated with their visual splendor: the vibrant variety

Fish lose their color as coral reefs shrink

(ORDO NEWS) -- Fish communities on Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef may become less colorful

Man has destroyed more than 85% of the fish that live in coral reefs

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study by scientists from the School of Marine and Atmospheric

‘Taste’ and ‘smell’ of coral reefs provide insights into a dynamic ecosystem

(ORDO NEWS) -- Coral reefs are hotspots of biodiversity and are amazingly productive, with a