Scientists discover echidnas blow snot bubbles to cool off

(ORDO NEWS) -- For a long time it was thought that echidnas didn't handle the

Scientists have figured out why echidnas blow bubbles with their noses

(ORDO NEWS) -- Echidnas - the mysterious relatives of platypuses - are distinguished by many

Temperature of the film of soap bubbles turned out to be lower than the ambient air

(ORDO NEWS) -- The film of air bubbles quickly evaporates and is thereby cooled. Experiments

Astronomers find traces of bubbles formed when dying stars explode

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers led by Juan Diego Soler of the

Enigmatic bubbles have been spotted in the center of the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2020, the eROSITA X-ray telescope captured images of two huge bubbles

Novel method simulates tens of thousands of bubbles in foamy flows

(ORDO NEWS) -- Bubbles aren't just for bath time. Bubbles, specifically bubbles in foamy flows,