‘Surprise bricks’ could help save bees

(ORDO NEWS) -- Today, the populations of many species of bees are in decline, and

Modern honey bees live half as long as bees from the 70s

(ORDO NEWS) -- The lifespan of laboratory-dwelling honey bees has shrunk by about 50% over

Bees live half as long as they did 50 years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- Even under laboratory conditions, bees today live less than three weeks. This

Scientists have discovered a new species of bees with a muzzle similar to a dog

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have discovered a completely new species of bees, which, oddly enough,

Bees generate electricity and can change the weather

(ORDO NEWS) -- Swarming bees produce so much electricity that they can affect local weather,

Scientists have figured out how bees count

(ORDO NEWS) -- The bees sort the numbers in ascending order from left to right.

Bees count from left to right

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experiments have shown that the nervous system of bees can be characterized

Bees are less likely to sting if they are in large groups

(ORDO NEWS) -- Protecting the hive is the duty of every bee in the swarm,

Climate change is causing bees to develop asymmetrical wings

(ORDO NEWS) -- The climate crisis is stressing the bees. According to scientists from Imperial

In Rome, bees “monitor” the level of environmental pollution

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Rome, there is a special unit for the control of environmental

It became known about the global extinction of bees due to a new virus

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new deformed wing virus could wipe out honey bee populations around