Scientist who edited babies’ genes said he acted ‘too fast’

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2018, Chinese scientist He Jiankui shocked the scientific world when he

Seemingly random movements of babies are actually necessary for the development of coordination

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have found that the seemingly random movements of newborns, which appear

Singing contributed to the social development of babies

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have shown that singing for babies promotes their social development and

Babies can taste and smell even before birth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Using 4D ultrasound scanning, scientists compared the facial expressions of babies in

New research shows babies’ crying doesn’t peak after 6 weeks

(ORDO NEWS) -- If you're a parent, you're probably familiar with searching the internet for

Babies form eating habits in the womb

(ORDO NEWS) -- Every parent knows that it is very difficult to teach children to

Landmark Poverty Experiment Shows Extra Money Changes Babies’ Brains

(ORDO NEWS) -- Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains

Anti-Poverty Experiment Shows Extra Money Changes Babies’ Brains

(ORDO NEWS) -- Putting money into the hands of mothers can help shape their children's