Astronomers detect massive migration of stars gathering in Andromeda

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers know that galaxies grow over time by merging with other galaxies.

Aliens from Andromeda and Saturn’s moon have been visiting Earth for thousands of years

(ORDO NEWS) -- Paul Hellier, the former Minister of Defense of Canada, insists that representatives

Strain Andromeda

(ORDO NEWS) -- There is a very interesting film from 1971 called Andromeda Strain. It

Andromeda is a cannibal galaxy moving towards us

(ORDO NEWS) -- At the end of July, we talked about an ancient "zombie galaxy"

Seeing the remnants of Andromeda’s powerful past

(ORDO NEWS) -- A detailed analysis of the composition and motion of over 500 stars

Alex Collier Aliens from Andromeda told about the origin of mankind

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are many assumptions about the number of aliens in the universe.

Aliens from Andromeda told about the origin of mankind

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are many assumptions about the number of alien species in the