Ancient Egyptians described the arrival of aliens on July 29, 1203 BC

(ORDO NEWS) -- The first account of this event, written by a scribe and temple

Ancient Egyptians didn’t mummify bodies to save them

(ORDO NEWS) -- Ancient Egypt is always associated with the pyramids and the mummies they

Study: Ancient Egyptians burned brands on their slaves

(ORDO NEWS) -- Slavery in ancient Egypt was very different from what we know from

Mars may have retained the name Her Desher used by the ancient Egyptians

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second largest

Ancient Egyptians used animal fat for the production of hygiene products and cosmetics

(ORDO NEWS) -- Think about your personal hygiene or cosmetics and skin care products. Many

Ancient Egyptians slept on stone pillows

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the past two millennia, people have enjoyed the soft comfort of