Primitive agriculture among the ancient inhabitants of China arose no later than 8300 years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- Bioarchaeologists analyzed the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen and found out

Found evidence of slash-and-burn agriculture in the Mesolithic

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from Germany came to the conclusion that people could control forest

Transition to agriculture in Europe had negative consequences for human health

(ORDO NEWS) -- A joint study of genetics and skeletal remains suggests that the transition

Insect food could help create zero-waste agriculture

(ORDO NEWS) -- Insects are an excellent source of protein and require significantly fewer resources

NASA has warned that climate change will soon hit agriculture

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA warns that by 2030 climate change will hit the production of

Fort Greenan – seat of the kings of Isleh, Ireland

(ORDO NEWS) -- Grianan of Aileach, also called Greenan Ely or Greenan Fort, is a